An amazing thing happens to garlic when you roast it at 400 degrees for 35 minutes. It transforms into a creamy, mellowed, caramelized, spreadable treat! So simple and savory, your guests will think you’ve slaved for hours over this appetizer. Spread it on a french baguette or crackers and serve with a glass of Chardonnay. I also like to add slices of apples. My favorite apple of the Fall, the honeycrisp, has finally arrived!
I first ate roasted garlic many years ago at Cosmos in Kalamazoo with my best girlfriend. Jamie K would bring the garlic and we’d spread it on slices of a warm, crusty French baguette. More times than not, we’d eat this for dinner, hoping to sop up some of the Sapphire we’d been consuming at the bar. (By the way, if you are ever in Kalamazoo, make sure you stop by Cosmos and order the roasted garlic with a spinach feta burger. To. Die. For.)
It wasn’t until many years later I realized how simple the garlic trick was to make! This is one of The Hub’s favorite recipes when he’s craving cheese but cutting back on it. Four ingredients; a whole head of garlic, olive oil, and salt & pepper. That’s it! So simple, savory and satisfying!
Pick a good sized head of garlic, making sure no brown spots are visible through the papery layers. Peel away as much of the paper as possible, then trim the top so the raw cloves are exposed. Make sure all cloves are exposed, you want the olive oil to be able to seep into the cloves.
Using either a muffin tin or a cup, push a 12″x12″ square of tin foil into the cup, forming a pouch for the garlic. Douse with olive oil. Best part about dousing with olive oil is, later, it becomes dipping garlic olive oil.
Don’t forget to salt and pepper that puppy.
wrap it up tightly so no steam can escape, and place it in your 400 degree preheated oven for 30-35 minutes.
When the cloves feel soft to the touch and have turned slightly brown, your spreadable garlic is ready! Find a tiny knife or fork and start digging for garlic gold! Spread on bread or cracker, eat with apple. It’s the perfect sweet and savory bite!
Roasted Garlic
Cook time: 30-35 minutes
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Serves: 1-4 people? (Depends on if The Hubs is eating. In this case, 2 heads are better than 1!)
- 1 head of garlic
- 2-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 2 small pinches of salt and pepper each
- tin foil
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Peel the outer layers of garlic paper away from the cloves as much as possible, then trim the tops of the bulbs so the raw garlic beneath is exposed. Take care all the garlic cloves are exposed.
3. Using a square of tin foil, make a pouch for the garlic, it helps to use a muffin tin to form the pouch. Place bulb inside pouch and douse with garlic, then salt & pepper.
4. Seal the foil so it is airtight and bake at 400 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
5. Serve with crackers, bread, apple slices, carrots, whatever you like best! Don’t forget to pour out the remaining garlic olive oil into a small plate for dipping bread.