Spicy Tuna Roll

Today marks M’s Belly’s two year blog anniversary!  Woot!  When I look back into the post archives and see my first (uninterestingly written and poorly lit) post for mini beef wellingtons, I see I shot some of the photos outside on the condo balcony.  I remember March being simply lovely and in the mid-50’s that year for …


Perfect Filet Mignon at Home

As I mentioned in the last post, I always cook a special dinner for The Hubs on Valentines Day.  This filet is the To Die For cornerstone of said special meal.  If you like meat and have a fancy occasion on which you are willing to drop a few extra bucks, this recipe is for YOU.  This …


Monkey Bread

Let me begin by saying, this is not from scratch, not even remotely.  I’ve thrown scratch out the window and replaced it with ease these past couple of months… I’ll tell you what, this pregnancy thing is not all it’s cracked up to be… I’m 35 1/2 weeks preggo and I think I’ve spent more time …


Nana’s Cookies

My parents came to visit last month and I was able to kill two birds with one stone, um, I mean, cookie.  I got to make our traditional family cookie with my mom AND participate with said cookie in the Great Food Blogger Cookie Swap! A Christmas family tradition of ours is to make “Nana’s …


Cranberry Sauce!

Ok, so cranberry sauce… Growing up, I never touched it, as it was totally just some wobbly jello-y looking thing that slithered out of a can.  I didn’t bother with it because it took up valuable real estate that could be used for more stuffing on my Thanksgiving plate.  I recently found this recipe on-line for the …


Sorghum Cider Punch

This weekend good friends helped to throw my Nashville baby shower for me.  It was so nice to be surrounded by such thoughtful, lovely ladies!  I thought I’d share some photos along with the sorghum cider punch recipe in which I didn’t imbibe but happily made for others to enjoy!  The Hubs swore an expletive when he …


Buttery Pretzel Bites

Is it just me, or is everyone in a bigger rush than ever this year?  It seemed like we hadn’t even turned the Halloween corner into November and I was getting Christmas catalogues and seeing lawns already decorated with Rudolph and Santa.  I went to the mall at the beginning of this month and it …


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