Roasted Strawberry & Buttermilk Ice Cream

When neighbors Lindsay and Taylor of Love & Olive Oil asked me to go pick strawberries on a 65 degree bluebird day, how do you think I responded?  It was time to shrug off the winter blues and welcome summer with open arms and sweet red strawberries.  I think the last time I picked strawberries …


Homemade Taco Seasoning

Happy Cinco de Mayo a few hours early!  My fifth of May gift to you is homemade taco seasoning.  In a minimal effort to take ownership of my sodium intake, I started making my own taco spice mix about a year ago.  Since The Hub’s favorite dinner is Turkey Taco Tuesday (no lie), we go …


Basil Mint Julep

I’m not a fan of the Kentucky Derby or horse racing in general.  However, knowing my bff’s sister who is a jockey plus my own sister who is a horse whisperer, I figure I’m definitely six degrees of separation away from the winning horse.  It’s simple math, really.  In honor of the Kentucky Derby this …


Turkey Meat Loaf

I hail from the Midwest so you know I enjoy a good meatloaf.  You will find a lot of meatloaf at the Meat and Threes here in The South, typically smothered in gravy with a side of buttery mashed potatoes.  Delicious, yes, but also pretty fattening.  I lightened my loaf with ground turkey and panko …


Buffalo Hot Wings

Even though March is technically over and sadly both Michigan basketball teams lost (sorry Mike Smith), I’m still going forward with a recipe post of my favorite buffalo hot wings!  Wings are perfect fare for watching any type of sport, specifically tomorrow’s Monday night college basketball championship game.  The Hubs taught me you can throw …


Pineapple Coconut Smoothie

I must miss the tropical paradise of St. Martin just a wee bit, because I have seriously been craving Caribbean pineapple coconut drinks!  With a forecasted low in the 30’s tomorrow morning, I’m hoping it’s possible to will Spring to arrive faster if I have a tropical drink in my hand.  When I first made this …


Arroz Con Pollo (Chicken with Rice)

Thousands of great food photographers exist in the world, but lately I’ve been admiring the work of Steve Giralt.  His self-published cookbook titled, “First Generation Cuban-American“, displays some of the most interesting and different food photography I’ve ever seen.  Food pictures are usually so overtly happy, sunny and bright.  Steve’s pictures are a total divergence …


Everything Bagels

I’ve been missing Klein’s bagels lately.  The Nashville food scene is blowing up with so many more dining options than ever before, and for that I am eternally grateful.  Bagels, however, are another story.  Where oh where do you find a decent bagel in this town?  With only one non-chain nearby option for bagels, I …


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