I do realize the last three posts I’ve written are carb laden. I don’t know what to say other than this baby in my belly loves carbs!
P’s current favorite snack is cheese crackers, so what better snack to bake together than his favorite one? My toddler is a great (ok, somewhat messy and wild) baker’s helper so once a week we put on our “apronts”, pull up his chair to the countertop, and bake something together. I love these moments and hope he always wants to bake with me.
The secret to baking with a toddler is prep, prep, prep. Pre-measure, or weigh, or chop all the ingredients before you put on your “apronts” and pull up chairs because the two year old’s attention span is…SQUIRREL! Keep things moving and talk about all the ingredients you are using and what is going to happen to them once placed in the oven.
As long as you have a food processor, this recipe really couldn’t be simpler. Buzz ingredients together for three minutes until dough forms, then roll out dough between parchment paper and chill. Cut with adorable cookie cutters and bake 12-15 minutes until done. Easy-peasy!
The cracker flavor bursts with cheesy, salty goodness. It’s like an amped up version of cheddar bunnies or goldfish crackers. I found this recipe on Smitten Kitchen’s blog and she modified it from the Lee Bros’ cheese straw recipe. Smitten provided a link to a tiny fish cookie cutter, and ‘lo! The same site sells tiny bunny cookie cutters, too! Tiny bunny cookie cutters are so dang cute you can’t afford NOT to buy one!
In conclusion, if you do not have a toddler, you may still enjoy these crackers. Simply shape them like a cheez-it or straw if you are feeling really fancy. Straws will take 10 minutes (or more) longer than bunnies. Save your scraps (which is what is below pictured), they make for delicious snacks, too!
Cheddar Bunny Crackers (modified from Smitten Kitchen’s blog)
Makes: 75-100 1″ sized crackers (or roughly 50 if a toddler is helping)
- 6 oz monterey jack shredded cheese
- 4 tablespoons cubed, cold butter
- 3/4 cup (85 g) of all purpose flour
- 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt (plus more for sprinkling)
- Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend until a ball of dough forms; about 2-3 minutes.
- Portion dough into two discs and place discs between two separate parchment paper sheets°F (1 disc = 2 pieces of parchment. Roll dough to 1/8″ thick and chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 350°F.
- Take discs out of fridge as you use them, as they become more difficult to work with the warmer the dough gets. Dip cookie cutters in flour and cut out desired shapes.
- Space the crackers 1/2″ apart on parchment lined baking sheets, sprinkle with a pinch of salt, and bake at 350°F for 12-15 minutes, or until browned at the edges.