Farewell Nashville: Cheddar Yogurt Biscuits

It’s true; this is my final post for our Nashville lives as we’ve accepted an offer on the house and we are moving back up north to our home state of Michigan!  The hubs defended his thesis and achieved his doctorate this past week!  It’s over and we can all collectively breathe a huge sigh …


Maple Roasted Carrots

Thanksgiving tidbit #1 that you didn’t know about me: I hate cooked carrots.  Like, nope, no thank-you, I only like ’em raw.  I can remember being six years old and secretly palming my mom’s cooked carrots under the table to Brandy, the family golden retriever (sorry mom).   Leave it to Ina Garten to make cooked carrots not only palatable, but so downright …


Zucchini Fritters

I love anything pretty much in pancake or waffle form.  Last year, I waffled my mom’s leftover Thanksgiving stuffing and I still think it may be the best thing I’ve ever eaten. When potatoes aren’t available or we are looking for a slightly healthier version of a potato pancake, I’ll make these zucchini fritters. Packed …


Summery Gazpacho Soup

It’s (still) summer even though I’m already doing what hubs calls “forcing fall” – wearing long sleeves, jackets and sweaters before it’s truly cold enough outside to do so. I love beginning of  the fall season, the first time you see your breath in the morning, first frost on the grass, until finally, the smell of …


Grilled Chicken Kebabs

This is my new favorite summer grilling recipe. These kebabs are SO GOOD they will even impress a Persian father-in-law (and I would hazard a guess that he’s eaten a few kebabs in his day)! I made a happy mistake and let the chicken marinate for two solid days in the fridge. Seriously, the two-day marinate is the …


Potato Dominoes

Francis Mallmann’s potato domino recipe elevates potatoes to something other worldly. He turns an ordinary potato into a crisp yet tender, super savory, glorious thing. It’s like eating an awesome hot potato chip with the softest insides and the crispiest outsides. Mailman’s recipe solidifies my ongoing love for the potato. Is there anything this tuber can’t deliciously …


Cranberry Sauce!

Ok, so cranberry sauce… Growing up, I never touched it, as it was totally just some wobbly jello-y looking thing that slithered out of a can.  I didn’t bother with it because it took up valuable real estate that could be used for more stuffing on my Thanksgiving plate.  I recently found this recipe on-line for the …


Grilled Potatoes with Mustard-Garlic Dressing

The in-laws visited last weekend so to celebrate we decided to grill a serious steak and potato meal for Sunday Supper.  Everyone agreed the potatoes were to die for, so much so, that they almost stole the steak show.  These tubers taste zingy, tart, tangy and salty. The skins are split and cracked on the outside, anew reveal fork-tender potato on …


Elote (Mexican Street Corn)

It’s no secret, hands down, my favorite restaurant in Nashville is Mas Tacos Por Favor.  I would choose it over all the current critically acclaimed Nashville restaurant names: Husk, Etch, even Rolf & Daughters (the latter two being my other favorites when money isn’t too tight)!  Mas Tacos is located in a “currently-it’s-going-through-a-regentrification” neighborhood across the …


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