Last month I was feeling like I’ve been in a breakfast rut so I googled healthy breakfast bowls and came across a surprising amount of recipes for chia seed pudding. I’ve been eating this all week and like it so much that I’m sharing it with y’all.
I am probably late to this chia seed game because I thought cha-cha-cha-Chia seeds were for slathering on your 1982 Chia Pet, and not for eating as a superfood. I gotta tell ya, I surprisingly enjoyed chia seed pudding! It’s not real pudding but was more like yogurt with a boost.
The chia seeds had a gelatinous way about them when they came in contact with moisture, causing a pudding-ish effect. It felt like I ate tapioca pudding for breakfast, only tangier because it was made with yogurt and kefir. (Kefir is a close cousin of yogurt, a liquid, sometimes sweetened, version, found in the yogurt aisle.) In this recipe I used strawberry flavored Kefir to give my pudding a little flavor oomph.

you’ll feel so good after you eat this! (unless you are lactose intolerant. then you will feel horrible.)
I garnished mine with puffed millet (I’m telling you I’m trying to eat healthier!), apple slices, blueberries and a mint sprig. If puffed millet is too weird then garnish with granola instead. This portion makes 4 servings, and that’s about as long as I’d keep it in the fridge. Make the pudding the night before and it’ll be perfect for you the following morn, and three mornings thereafter. I did my batch on Sunday and had a super healthy breakfast already made for the rest of the week! Baby P loved chia seed pudding and so did his nanny. The professor wouldn’t try it, but hey I figure three (including me) outta four isn’t half bad!

Dear: Mom/Oprah, if you are reading this, this bowl seemed so healthy that I think it could be negative WW points???
Chia seeds are a superfood packed with omega-3’s and fiber, it’s a bonus that you can doctor them up to also taste delicious!
Chia Pudding with Fruit
*recipe inspired by: Fit Foodie Finds
Prep time: 5 minutes
Set time: 2 hours to overnight
Serves: 4
- 2 cups non-fat plain Greek yogurt
- 1/2 cup flavored kefir
- 1/4 cup chia seeds
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 1/4 of an apple, sliced
- 1/4 of a cup of blueberries
- 1/4 cup of puffed cereal
- sprig of mint for garnish (optional)
- Mix first 6 ingredients together well in a large bowl..
- Portion the pudding into 4 equally sized containers and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before consuming, (or overnight).
- Before eating pudding, garnish with apples, blueberries, cereal and mint (or whatever your favorite fruits are! Add nuts, get crazy!).
- Pat yourself on the back for pre-meditated, healthy eating!