This recipe is inspired by my six-year-old nephew, Matthew. Last week Matthew and I were enjoying my sister’s homemade waffles for breakfast, with fresh strawberry slices on the side. He proceeded to show me how dipping your fresh strawberries in syrup made them taste better. Duh! All my life I’ve never thought to put maple syrup on berries. What was I thinking!? It takes this little smarty pants to show me what is up.
Anyway, this recipe is super simple and a lovely afternoon snack or after dinner desert. Schmear Greek yogurt on plate, drizzle with syrup, add berries, eat. Done.
Berries in Sweet Yogurt
Prep time: 5 minutes
- 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup
- 1 handful of blueberries
- 1 handful of raspberries
Schmear yogurt on plate, drizzle syrup over top of yogurt. Sprinkle berries on top of yogurt. Enjoy!

Ha! love it!