Indian Spiced Pumpkin Seeds

Ask my husband and he’ll disappointedly tell you I am NOT a fan of Halloween.  He LOVES Halloween.  He came home from school today and immediately put on his halloween skeleton shirt.  I blame my mother for my dislike of all things Halloweenish.  I do not like the scary movies, haunted houses, face-painting, and creepy …


Grilled Potatoes with Mustard-Garlic Dressing

The in-laws visited last weekend so to celebrate we decided to grill a serious steak and potato meal for Sunday Supper.  Everyone agreed the potatoes were to die for, so much so, that they almost stole the steak show.  These tubers taste zingy, tart, tangy and salty. The skins are split and cracked on the outside, anew reveal fork-tender potato on …


Skillet Lasagna

Italian, Italian, Italian, it’s all I’m pregnantly, I mean presently, craving at the moment.  I want noodles with tomato sauce and CHEESE, cheese, and more cheese.  Not just any old crappy cheese either, it’s got to be fresh mozzarella!  I stumbled across a few different recipes for skillet lasagna and thought, “lasagna from start to …


BA’s September Cover: Grandma’s Pizza!

Bon Appétit’s September cover recipe is homemade pizza with “grandma style pizza crust”.  I don’t know about your grandma, but my Slovak Nana never made pizza dough.  Pierogis, halupki, layered jello, and a mean pot roast, yes.  Pizza dough, no.  I think what constitutes this pizza dough as “grandma style” is the fact that you …


Housewarming Gift – Curried Lentil Soup!

My good friend, beautiful Melissa, recently moved and held a housewarming party.  I wanted to bring something different and fun.  Knowing she’s a vegetarian, I opted for a “meal in a jar” of curried lentil soup.  It looks impressive and is helpful to new homeowners for throwing together a quick meal.  Step 1.) pick out a …


Poppy Seed Banana Bread

The Hubs told me the other day he’s been buying SOME OTHER LADY’S banana bread on campus lately as a mid-morning snack.  I felt as if I’d been slapped.  Ok, so I haven’t baked in a while, but still!?  I definitely had some rotten bananas on hand this week.  Couple my rotten bananas with The Hubs eating some other …


Thin & Crispy Chocolate Chip Cookies

I went to the doctor earlier this week for my 17 week pregnancy checkup and found out I haven’t gained ANY weight, (like, to the ounce!), since my last visit over a month ago.  So what’s a preggo to do?  Why, make chocolate chip cookies of course!  I watched a clip from Martha’s main guy Thomas on …


Elote (Mexican Street Corn)

It’s no secret, hands down, my favorite restaurant in Nashville is Mas Tacos Por Favor.  I would choose it over all the current critically acclaimed Nashville restaurant names: Husk, Etch, even Rolf & Daughters (the latter two being my other favorites when money isn’t too tight)!  Mas Tacos is located in a “currently-it’s-going-through-a-regentrification” neighborhood across the …


My Favorite Burger (also, I’m BAAAAACK!!!)

I’ve taken a small hiatus from cooking, writing and socializing for the past two months.  July and August have been a whirlwind of brutal change for me!  We sold our condo and moved from the bright downtown city core to quiet suburbia.  No more car alarms, helicopters, sirens, or gunshots!  When you turn off the lights at …


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