Salmon en Croute

One of my favorite long-ago-cancelled-but still-running cooking shows is French Food at Home, featuring Laura Calder. Laura makes cooking French food seem like a snap and this most impressive looking salmon recipe is one of the best testaments to easy, yet snappy-looking, French fare. Your guests will think you’ve slaved for hours when, in fact, once you get …


World Gin Day

My family informed me that today is World Gin Day. Apparently we have “days” for everything now-a-days but I think it’s just another excuse to drink more gin…. So while they are all drinking gin and tonics lakeside in Michigan without me, here’s to Gin and Tonic Day, and here’s to my crazy family! I …


Grilled Chicken Kebabs

This is my new favorite summer grilling recipe. These kebabs are SO GOOD they will even impress a Persian father-in-law (and I would hazard a guess that he’s eaten a few kebabs in his day)! I made a happy mistake and let the chicken marinate for two solid days in the fridge. Seriously, the two-day marinate is the …


Watermelon Agua Fresca

I’ve written it before and I’ll write it again, my favorite Mexican restaurant in Nashville is Mas Tacos Por Favor.  I bucked up last week and waited 30 minutes in the roast pork scented lunch line (worth it) for my carnitas tacos and tortilla soup and found them serving up a special summer treat: watermelon agua fresca. …


Vanilla Cupcakes

It’s my first mother’s day tomorrow and I’m psyched! Psyched for promised pancakes to be made my husband, psyched to go to my good friend’s house for homemade pizza, and psyched for my little guy finally feeling good after being sick for a week. I was ill-prepared for how gut wrenching it would be to …


Best Quiche Ever

Why is this quiche the Best Quiche Ever? Because I’ve put all my favorite things into it, and so can you. For me it’s bacon (no-brainer), mushrooms, and gruyere cheese. That’s it. Oh and eggs and cream of course. And maybe sautéed the mushrooms in shallots too. For you, maybe it’s spinach, leeks and zucchini? …


Potato Dominoes

Francis Mallmann’s potato domino recipe elevates potatoes to something other worldly. He turns an ordinary potato into a crisp yet tender, super savory, glorious thing. It’s like eating an awesome hot potato chip with the softest insides and the crispiest outsides. Mailman’s recipe solidifies my ongoing love for the potato. Is there anything this tuber can’t deliciously …


Toasted Ciabatta with Ricotta and Sugar Snap Peas

The past seven days have been a bunch of postpartum “firsts” for me. Last week I cared and cooked for houseguests (instead of the other way around), watched my first live rugby match, hosted a small brunch gathering, attended my ladies book(wine) club, took baby P to the grocery store with me, and overall, felt like a normal human being again. PHEW, …


Guinness Affogato

In prep for the big Irish Day, Bon Appétit emailed the masses a photo/recipe for a Guinness Affogato earlier this week.  One quick read of the ingredients; Bailey’s Irish Cream, Guinness, espresso and ice cream, and I knew it was something I had to make and put it in my gob as soon as possible.

Connie’s Crispy Oven Fried Chicken

The week after I had baby P my mom made us oven “fried” chicken per my dad’s request. Along with spaghetti and meatballs (which she also made) her oven fried chicken is one of my dad’s favorite meals. The Hubs and I liked it so much that we requested it two more times over the …


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