Ok, I KNOW that Fall is officially here, but it was 80 degrees here today damn it, so I refuse to put my flippy floppies away just yet! I found one last rogue watermelon, (cripes it was probably from Guatemala) at the grocery and decided to make this admittedly summery salad last week. It’s so simple, surprising, and refreshing, it’s my absolute fave. The arugula is peppery, the feta is salty, the watermelon is sweet, the mint is refreshing and unexpected, and the reduced balsamic is tart. It’s the perfect salad.
Arugula Salad with Watermelon and Feta
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Serves 2 people
- 2 fistfuls of arugula
- 1″ square sized piece of goat’s milk feta (it’s dryer than cow’s milk feta)
- 4 mint leaves, julienned
- 10-12 good slices of watermelon
- a good drizzle of reduced balsamic vinegar
- a pinch of black sesame seeds
- a pinch of finishing salt
Arrange arugula on plate and place watermelon slices on top of arugula. Crumble feta and mint over top of arugula and watermelon. Finish with a sprinkle of black sesame seeds and finishing salt. Just before serving, drizzle reduced balsamic vinegar overtop of salad. Get creative with the reduced balsamic and make it pretty!
NOTE: If you want to reduce your own balsamic, take a whole large bottle of balsamic vinegar, dump it in a sauce pot, start it at a boil, then reduce it to a simmer. Simmer until it reduces down to your desired thickness. It will look like black dark oil when finished. Warning, reducing balsamic in your house STINKS to high hell and has been known to burn many a sensitive husband’s eyes and nose. If you can buy it somewhere (thank-you, Silly Goose!), I would highly recommend spending the $$ on this very worthwhile product! You are welcome.